(NC)—You have likely heard about West Nile virus, but may still wonder how to safeguard against it this summer. The easiest thing you can do is keep the source at bay – those irritating mosquitoes – by preventing them from breeding.
"Prevention is the best way to battle this virus, " says Dr . Colin D'Cunha, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health. "Ontarians should know how the disease is spread and how to protect themselves and their families. "
Mosquitoes can transmit the West Nile virus from infected birds to humans. Although there is a minimal chance of being infected and even less chance of becoming ill once infected, everyone should take precautions.
The province of Ontario and many municipalities have plans in place to reduce the number of mosquitoes and help protect us from the West Nile virus, but a helping hand from everyone will go a long way to ensuring mosquito numbers are kept to a minimum.
If you are searhing for a simple way to draw in more wealth and money into your life, start by obtaining a money plant tree. This attractive indoor plant is commonly used as a feng shui tool to assist with finances. The way it looks has special significance and is great in any area of the home or business. It also goes by its botanical name 'pachira acquatica' and is actually not naturally shaped the way it is. This particular plant is a combination of several plants with intertwined stems that look like they have been braided. It had been first created in the 1980's and grew in popularity internationally for its symbolism of the five elements in feng shui.
Many people have adopted this beautiful plant and used it for attracting money. You will find five leaves that branch out from each of the stems, these are said to represent the five elements wood, water, metal, earth and fire. The five leaves on each stem is supposed to symbolize the elements in perfect harmony. This makes the money tree the right tool to implement for just about any part of the room or entire home which has unbalanced 'qi' or energy. Simply locate the region that needs help using a bagua map and place a money tree where it is needed.
The most effective places for the money tree are areas that have anything to do with money or wealth. For example in a home, the desired spot for this plant is near a safe deposit box. Businesses would benefit from having this plant near its cash register. A particular room in a home that may need a money tree is the home office. It is where you conduct business so it definitely doesn't hurt to have an abundance of funds in this particular area. Money trees are wonderful gifts for anyone who is starting a brand new business.
These plants are relatively easy to care for. They can grow to 7 inches and have an incredibly long lifespan. Regular watering and a little bit of sunlight is all that is needed to take care of them. Direct sun exposure is bad, since it will dry out the leaves so keep them in areas with dim lighting. Water the money trees just enough each time and let the soil dry out before watering again. Excessive water will cause the leaves to brown and fall off. Avoid misting the leaves directly as that causes the leaves to fall out as well. With the proper care and right location, these plants is likely to be just what you need to generate the type of success you have been hoping for.
A ranch house, a zip lock bag and some ordinary flour
Two experiments:
1)Some ordinary wheat flour such as can be found in most homes placed with some water in a zip-lock plastic bag. A magnet is passed over the bag and an extraordinary thing happens - Iron particles start popping out and attaching themselves to the side of the bag, forming clusters of what looked like iron filings.
2) The next experiment involves placing a well-known brand of cereal into a bowl of water. The magnet is again passed over the bowl this time and the flakes literally line up and follow the magnet round the bowl.
This is the first time I realized that there is so much added iron in the food that we eat and the effect it can have on our health.
We’ve all been told that heart attacks and heart bypass surgery are as a direct result of clogging or furring of our arteries by ‘bad cholesterol’. The arteries become so narrowed as to make the blood flow through the arteries very difficult thus placing enormous strains on the cardio-vascular system.
Why do we need chelators and what are they?
A few trace metals that we absorb are toxic, these include iron and lead
To make use of them our bodies must form chelates (key-lates) out of them, and to do this requires chelating substances
Chelating substances attach to desirable trace metals and allow the body to properly utilize those metals they also attach to undesirable trace metals and allow the body to remove them.
Types of Chelator
Many chemicals can serve as chelators. Their effects will depend on the precise nature and concentration of that chelator.
There are some weak chelators present in common foods.
Stronger chelators are substances used medicinally to rid the body of excess toxic metals
Why is there potential for Iron Overload? Iron overload is possible because there is no normal mechanism for removing it from the body.
The body is iron-efficient, it retains its iron and recycles it over and over again.
The body's iron level is controlled almost entirely by absorption and iron can build up progressively as dietary intake increases, especially in men because they do not have a monthly blood loss.
Over a period of months and years this will result in the accumulation of several grams of iron.
Iron and Heart Disease Risk
Iron can generate free radical pathology.
There is now good evidence that free radical pathology leads to changes in the blood vessels which sets the stage for atheroscelerosis.
Accumulation of excess iron in the body may increase the risk for heart disease and the connection doesn't end there....
Health statistics have revealed that women have a lower risk of heart disease than men, until menopause, after which the risk is the same.
Pre-menopausal women have a monthly blood loss that rids the body of excess, potentially toxic iron, which may protect against heart disease.
Even pre-menopausal women with high blood cholesterol levels and high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which are considered to be strong risk factors for heart disease, have less heart disease than men.
The Lead connection
Lead is a toxic element that has many undesirable health effects.
Evidence links excess lead with cardiovascular disease, cancer and other disorders.
Researchers have found that cancer rates are higher amongst people living near heavily-traveled roads and it was suggested that this increased risk is due to the higher levels of lead in the air.
This led the researchers to test the effect of a lead-removing substance - EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid), a man-made amino acid and chelating agent - on cancer rates in people living near high-traffic roads.
After 18 years those treated with EDTA had one-tenth of the cancer rate of those not treated with EDTA. (1)
Chelation Therapy
This is the use of chelating agents, orally or by injection, in order to bind and remove harmful metals from the body.
The man-made chelating agent EDTA can remove most toxic metals.
Intravenous Chelation
This therapy has been used by doctors as an effective alternative to bypass surgery for atherosclerosis since the 1950s, giving hope that having hardening of the arteries need not lead to coronary bypass surgery, heart attack, stroke and numerous other related diseases.
Doctors noted reduced pain and blood cholesterol levels as well as other favorable changes. EDTA chelation therapy has been reported to help in many conditions now thought to be related to free radical pathology: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and others.
Another effect of EDTA is that it changes the calcium/ magnesium ratio in the body.
EDTA removes calcium more efficiently than magnesium which reduces the ratio.
Lowering the ratio improves the flexibility of blood cells, reduces the tendency of blood to clot and reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
So the benefits of EDTA are not entirely due to the removal of toxic metals but also the calcium/magnesium balance.
In the case of intravenous chelation, EDTA is used as the chelating agent. It is carried in a glucose formulation together with synthetic B Vitamins. It takes several hours and requires 80-100 treatments.
Oral Chelation
Oral EDTA therapy can also be used. One or two oral doses of EDTA per day, over a period of months can have a long-term preventative effect.
But beware! - there are many so-called oral chelation supplements on the market containing few or no chelating substances!
For an oral chelation supplement that has been tested and certified to lower bad cholesterol by The University of Illinois, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition: Go to http://GetaHealthyHeart.com
1. Blumer, W, et al Environmental International 3: 1980, pages 465-471
New Answers to Old Questions, The Free Radical Story by Harry W Hersey
If you are considering joining Pro Wealth Solutions, there are a couple of things you should consider before you start paying $35 for the membership.
Pro Wealth Solutions is a typical MLM business opportunity. Meaning that you sign up, start paying the $35 membership and then you will be paid a commission on whoever you get to sign below you. In essence, you are being paid a portion of your “downlines” membership money.
Some will classify this as a “Pyramid Scam”. Though it is a pyramid structure, the word “Scam” is a little harsh. One definition of “scam” that is apropos to this situation is “to obtain money from somebody by dishonest means”. If Pro Wealth Solutions promised to give you access to their resources for a membership fee of “X” and did not deliver, then that would be a scam. If they promised that you are going to make “X” amount of money if you pay them and “Y” amount of membership money, and don’t deliver, then THAT would be a scam. Further, if PWS promised to pay you “X” for each person you sign up and fail to send you a check when your downline is 150 deep, then that would be a scam.
We have yet to see that happen. As a matter of fact, PWS is quite prompt with their payment of earned commissions. We have FULL access to their resources. And as with any business, online or off, they have never guaranteed the amount of money we would be making. So we don’t see scam. YET!
I say yet because things can change. But until they do, we will continue to implement what PWS has to offer into our own strategy.
Now, if you have not taken a look at Pro Wealth Solutions, do so now. It is free to evaluate. Of course our mantra: DON’T SIGN UP FOR ANYTHING THAT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. You are just signing up so that you have access to what PWS has to offer.
Pro Wealth Solutions offers several what they term “Income Streams”. The idea behind these income streams is for the member, in addition to signing people up, to have multiple products to sell which will help you put cash into your pocket while you grow your business. Here are the income streams:
PWSMortgageCo. Com BetterCreditToday. net Credit Card Processing Real Estate Training
And several other training pieces that you are licensed to reproduce and sell in any creative way your little heart desires.
I come from a real estate investment background. So when I saw the Pro Wealth Mortgage Business, it clicked for us. After carefully assessment, and of course extreme due diligence, (I had to speak to whoever was going to be originating the loans, I had to find out the legality of what they were doing, and other loan industry questions like how they handle appraisals, notary issues, origination fees, funding time lines etc . )
The rest was easy! All of our executive members at The Pro Profit Team have since refinanced our homes and investment properties through PWS. The bank that PWS has the relationship with is a publicly traded FDIC insured Bank. Not a mortgage broker. So there are no brokerage fees. I got a better interest rate than I had on a 4-plex that I own and they were able to save me about $800 bucks on my monthly mortgage payment.
Because we are customers, it is truly an easy sell. All of my friends and family are using PWSmortgageCo. com. They are that good!
Our strategy is to present PWSMortgageCo. com to as many people as we can within our community. We have a great strategy that targets hard working class people (like myself). The sell is the most soft sell in the world! It works like this:
Hey “Homeowner”, Check these guys out. (give them the info) I just recently refinanced my house with the people and they saved me $800. They may be able to save you some money as well!
Hello “stranger in the pub” I overheard you talking about your home, you should check these guys out, they have some of the best interest rates I’ve seen lately.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how well these two strategies work! I have yet to meet a homeowner who wouldn’t like to save money on their mortgage. Here is the phrase that is worth $1, 000 almost every time you speak it:
“They may or may not be able to save you money. It’s definitely worth checking into! ”
It’s that easy! This is not a potion made from some fruit from New Guinea. This is not a super vitamin, this is not set of motivational tapes, this is not protein powder. This is a Mortgage!
EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO BUY A HOME NEEDS A MORTGAGE! (…Unless you are independently wealthy and are paying cash for your home; In which case you don’t need a program like Pro Wealth Solutions! )
You can take a free tour of the Pro Wealth Solutions Income streams at:
Most of us want fast results when we are sick and miserable. Typically people buy non-prescription drugs over the counter because they don’t know there are other treatments available. For many health conditions using herbal remedies derived from plants is a healthy alternative. It is best to plan ahead and learn which herbal remedies may work for a specific health condition.
The following list of common herbs is an example of possible health benefits for treating some ailments. Herbal remedies are prepared in many forms such as teas, herbal extracts (tinctures), capsules or loose/dried in a bag.
This herb is popular as a tea and can calm nerves, relieve stomach distress, prevent ulcers, and help fight infection. Chamomile may be used to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy, to treat gastritis and ulcerative colitis, and may be used to speed healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns.
Dong Quia
Dong quai has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a tonic for the female reproductive system. It also balances and strengthens the female organs and regulates their functions.
Several studies confirm feverfew's value in preventing migraines. Feverfew may be used as an anti-inflammatory for relief of arthritis, to relieve some types of menstrual problems, and as a digestive aid.
More than 1, 000 scientific studies have shown health benefits of garlic. Garlic has been used as protection against colds and flu. In addition , garlic may help lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure and protect against bacterial and fungal infections. Studies have shown that garlic may have a positive role in the prevention of coronary heart disease, thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.
Ginger has been used for centuries to control nausea and for reducing inflammation.
Goldenseal is found in popular herbal blends for relieving intestinal and gallbladder inflammation. It also has been used to soothe inflamed or infected mucous membranes. Goldenseal may be used to reduce colds, flu and other respiratory infections especially at the beginning of infection. Goldenseal has both anti-infective and immune-system stimulating properties that may shorten the course of the illness.
Licorice is an important herb for treating a host of ailments. It may help as an anti-inflammatory and to soothe stomach upset and control coughs. Licorice Root has properties similar to cortisone and estrogen. It stimulates the adrenal glands and may help the body cope with stress.
Peppermint oil calms the stomach, the intestinal tract, and the nervous system. It can also reduce the inflammation of nasal passages and relieve muscle pains.
Herbal remedies may be safer and have fewer side effects than prescription medicines. Always read the label and use only the recommended dosage. Do not take any herbs during pregnancy --- check with your doctor first. If you are currently taking any prescription medicines always check with your doctor before using herbal remedies or before starting any health supplement program.
Herbs are a healthy alternative for treating many health conditions. Read and save articles like this in a small notebook and create your own research library with health benefits of each herb. There are many resources available online that outline specific health conditions and recommend herbs.
Herbs can be purchased online or at local health food stores. In addition , for treating specific health conditions, you may want to work with a naturopath or an acupuncturist.
Ultimate Wealth Package…. Make Money on the Internet?.... A Review
What is Ultimate Wealth Package all about?
If making money online sounds good to you, the Ultimate Wealth Package guides you step-by-step. The Ultimate Wealth Package tells you how and where to start so you won’t waste precious time and money.
Does Ultimate Wealth Package work?
The Ultimate Wealth Package is a guide that has been put together by a young man named Mark Warren who has made a fortune on the internet. With his best-selling Unlimited Wealth Package you will learn as you go---how to build cheap websites and start making money online. If you follow the foundation laid out in Ultimate Wealth Package, with a little perseverance and practice you will soon be growing your own home business.
How does Ultimate Wealth Package compare with other programs?
There are numerous money making programs for sale on the internet. The Ultimate Wealth Package covers every form of making money online that I have heard of and then some. Ultimate Wealth Package is written in a very direct fashion with no fluff---just solid instructions that you can follow to make money on the internet.
Do you recommend Ultimate Wealth Package?
There is a learning curve involved with Ultimate Wealth Package. How quickly you will begin making money online is up to you and the amount of time and energy you invest. The Ultimate Wealth Package is very easy to follow and understand. The time invested will pay dividends for life. So , yes, I definitely recommend Ultimate Wealth Package.
I have over 30 years of experience starting, operating and reading about businesses. I have over 20 years of experience using and studing supplements, herbs and vitamins.
Disclaimer: I am not a attorney therefore I can't give legal advice. I am not a finanical expert so you sould check with your accountant. I am not a physician therefore I can't give medical advice. The FDA hasn't reviewed this blog or web site. it is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure a disease. I believe in teaching instead of medicating. When it concerns legal, finanical or medical, decisions about you, you have the final, ultimate authority.